<%@Language=JScript %><% PageName="Empire of the Nine Ramparts"; %> <%=PageName%>

<%= PageName %>

Plot Elements

<% var MM_Connection_STRING = "Driver={SQL Server};server=(local);Database=Development;UID=sa;PWD=R4agnar0k!"; var pConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"); pConn.ConnectionTimeout = 30; pConn.Open(MM_Connection_STRING); var pRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); pRec.Open("Select * from RampartPlots order by Element", pConn); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); while(!pRec.EOF) { Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); pRec.MoveNext(); } Response.Write("
Plot ElementFactionLocationDetails
"); thisURL = String(pRec.Fields("URL")).toLowerCase(); if(thisURL.length>4) Response.Write(""); Response.Write(pRec.Fields("Element")); if(thisURL.length>4) Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""+pRec.Fields("Faction")+""+pRec.Fields("Location")+""+pRec.Fields("Details")+"
"); %> The plan is to start off with some very classic modules, and go from there.

30 greatest adventures of all time. Reference liked some less than others...

Beginning Adventure Areas

7. The Keep on the Borderlands, 1979 (B1)
Levels 1-3

19. Against the Cult of the Reptile God, 1982 (N1)
Levels 1-3

27. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, 1981 (U1)
Levels 1-3

28. The Lost City, 1982 (B4)
Levels 1-3

4. The Temple of Elemental Evil, 1985 (T1-4)
Levels 1-8

Lower level areas

29. The Assassin’s Knot, 1983 (L2)
Levels 2-5

12. The Forge of Fury, 2000
Levels 3-5

15. Castle Amber, 1981 (X2)
Levels 3-6

16. Isle of Dread, 1980 (X1)
Levels 3-7

25. Dragons of Despair, 1984 (DL1)
Levels 4-6

13. Dwellers of the Forbidden City, 1981 (I1)
Level 4-7

Lower middle areas

20. Scourge of the Slave Lords, 1986 (A1-4)
Levels 4-11

8. Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, 2001
Levels 4-14, sequel to T1-4

2. Ravenloft, 1983 (I6)
Levels 5-7

18. The Hidden Shrine of Tamochan, 1980 (C1)
Levels 5-7

30. The Ghost Tower of Inverness, 1980 (C2)
Levels 5-7

11. The Gates of Firestorm Peak, 1996
Levels 5-8

6. The Desert of Desolation, 1987 (I3-5)
Levels 5-10

9. White Plume Mountain, 1979 (S2)
Levels 5-10

23. The Forgotten Temple of Tharzidun, 1982 (WG4)
Levels 5-10

14. Dead Gods, 1997
Levels 6-9

22. The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, 1982 (S4)
Levels 6-10

Higher level areas

17. Ruins of Undermountain, 1991
Levels 6-15

5. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, 1980 (S3)
Levels 8-12

1. Queen of Spiders, 1986 (G1-3, D1-3, Q1)
Levels 8-14

26. City of Skulls, 1993 (WGR6)
Levels 9-12

3. Tomb of Horrors, 1978 (S1)
Levels 10–14

24. City of the Spider Queen, 2002
Levels 10-18

10. Return to the Tomb of Horrors, 1998
Levels 13-16